الثلاثاء، 2 مايو 2023

The Promise of Forever small movie

Opening scene: The film begins with a beautiful shot of a lush green field under a bright blue sky. The camera then pans to a young couple, Rohan and Priya, lying on a blanket, gazing at the clouds.

Act 1: Rohan and Priya have been best friends since childhood. They grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same school. As they grew older, they fell in love with each other, but they were too afraid to admit their feelings.

One day, Rohan decides to tell Priya how he feels. He takes her out to a cozy cafe and confesses his love for her. Priya is overjoyed and admits that she feels the same way.

Act 2: Rohan and Priya start dating, and their love blossoms. They go on long walks, picnics, and watch the sunset together. They promise to be there for each other, no matter what.

One day, Rohan gets an offer for a job in another city. He is torn between his love for Priya and his dream job. Priya tells him that she wants him to pursue his dreams and that she'll be there for him, no matter where he goes.

Act 3: Rohan leaves for the new city, and Priya stays back in their hometown. They keep in touch through phone calls and video chats. They talk about their dreams, their aspirations, and their future together.

One day, Rohan comes back to town to surprise Priya. He takes her out on a romantic dinner, and they talk about their future together. Rohan proposes to Priya, and she says yes.

Epilogue: Rohan and Priya get married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by their friends and family. They promise to love each other forever and to be there for each other through thick and thin.

Years go by, and they have children, build a home together, and grow old together. They look back on their lives, and they realize that their love for each other has only grown stronger with time.

The film ends with Rohan and Priya, holding hands, looking at each other, and smiling, knowing that they have each other, and that's all that matters.

The Last Goodbye Movie Script


Opening scene: The film begins with a sweeping view of a small town in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by mountains and dense forests. The camera then focuses on a young couple, Sarah and David, standing on a hilltop, overlooking the town.

Act 1: Sarah and David have been dating for a year and are deeply in love. They both live in the town, but Sarah wants to leave and pursue her dreams in the big city. David, however, is content with his life in the small town and doesn't want to leave.

One day, Sarah gets an offer from a prestigious university in the city, and she has to make a choice. She tries to convince David to come with her, but he refuses. Sarah is torn between her love for David and her dreams of a better life.

Act 2: Sarah leaves for the city, and David is heartbroken. He tries to move on with his life, but he can't stop thinking about Sarah. One day, he receives a phone call from Sarah's best friend, informing him that Sarah has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has only a few months to live.

David is devastated and decides to visit Sarah in the city. He finds her weak and frail, but she still has a spark in her eyes. Sarah tells David that she wants to spend her last days with him and that she wants him to be there for her till the end.

Act 3: David decides to take a break from work and stay with Sarah in the city. They spend their days together, reminiscing about old times, and making new memories. Sarah's health deteriorates, but David is always by her side, holding her hand, and comforting her.

One day, Sarah's condition worsens, and she is rushed to the hospital. David stays outside the operating room, praying for Sarah's recovery. The doctor comes out and informs him that Sarah's condition is critical, and they have to perform an emergency surgery.

David is devastated, and he can't bear the thought of losing Sarah. He runs outside the hospital and starts screaming, cursing fate for taking away the love of his life. Suddenly, he hears a voice calling out his name. It's Sarah, standing behind him, looking healthy and vibrant.

Epilogue: Sarah explains that the whole thing was a test. She wanted to know if David truly loved her and was willing to sacrifice everything for her. She tells him that she is proud of him and that she loves him more than anything in the world.

David is relieved and overjoyed. He realizes that he truly loves Sarah and that he is willing to do anything to make her happy. They both decide to leave the city and start a new life together in the small town, where they first fell in love. The film ends with Sarah and David walking hand in hand, into the sunset, ready to start a new chapter in their lives.